The best aspects of sport have much to commend them as worthwhile influences in our society. Sport can play a role in promoting physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle, in learning to face challenges and strive against the odds, in developing qualities such as self discipline, perseverance, selflessness, obedience and in being a means of substantially building self-esteem.
Good sportsmanship is an integral part of all that is best about sport. It includes a generous spirit, true respect for others and the game, graciousness, and a steadfast resistance to temptations such as attempting to gain an unfair advantage. Good sportsmanship encapsulates much that is honourable in human behaviour and endeavour and abounds with good fellowship.
To strive with fierce determination, to compete with great heart and fortitude and to retain the highest standards of sportsmanship are high and most worthy goals.The following guidelines have been produced in order to preserve and enhance the educational, sporting and social practices which are an embodiment of the standards and expectations of PSA schools.All those involved in PSA fixtures, be they players, coaches or supporters, are required to adhere to these guidelines.
Students are expected to give precedence to representing their school in PSA fixtures rather than outside clubs.
Students may not participate in PSA sporting competitions if they hold any form of scholarship or fee rebate awarded to them because of their sporting ability.
Discrimination and Racial and Religious Vilification
No person subject to these Rules shall act towards or speak to any other person in a manner, or engage in any other conduct which threatens, disparages, vilifies or insults another person (“the person vilified”) on any basis, including but not limited to, a person’s race, religion, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin, special ability/disability or sexual orientation, preference or identity.
Substance Abuse
The PSA does not condone the promotion or use of performance enhancing substances in sport. Individuals found to be promoting or using performance enhancing substances will be subject to the internal disciplinary processes of the respective school or in the case of illegal behaviour, subject to the relevant state/federal laws pertaining to illegal performance enhancing substances.
Positive and sportsmanlike behaviour should be exhibited by extending standard courtesies to the opposing team i.e. pre-match courtesies, recognition of good play, thanking umpires/referees and opposing team after the match.
Deliberate violence of any sort is unacceptable.
Verbal provocation, and response to such provocation, is unacceptable.
Bad language, whether directed at another player, umpire/referee or oneself is unacceptable.
The umpire/referee’s decision is always final and not to be contested.
Immodest behaviour in victory or success, and manifestation of self disgust at an error or failure, are acts of poor sportsmanship and are unacceptable.
Unfair or illegal tactics to gain advantage are unacceptable and should never be used.
Embrace the standards and expectations of the School, particularly if not on the teaching staff of the School.
Ensure that good Sportsmanship and good sports skills each receive strong emphasis.
Reinforce expectations regarding courtesies, punctuality, behaviour and dress, even with the most senior players.
Delegate leadership and responsibility to the team captain whenever possible; refrain from any form of excessive coaching from the sidelines.
Do not always give the impression that a lost match should have been won with a greater effort.The opposition is sometimes just too skilled.
Avoid excessive and ritual “psyching up” of a team.
Do not publicly question an umpire/referee’s decision and avoid blaming a team’s defeat on “poor umpiring”.
Establish and foster cordial relations with the coaches of opposing teams.
Parents and Other Specators
Children appreciate the presence and support of their parents.Accordingly, always setan example of good sportsmanship and give enthusiastic, but not excessive or inappropriate, support.
School sport is only a part, but an important part, of a student’s full and balanced education.A balanced approach to sport and to the all round offering and demands of PSA schools is expected and is strongly encouraged.
Host school parents are invited to assume some responsibility for making visiting parents feel welcome.
Parents visiting from another school are urged to respect the host school’s premises and rules concerning parking, tidiness, use of alcohol etc.
Parents should not give advice during a match to coaches, umpires/referees, or players.
No alcohol to be consumed before OR during the hours of play.
Heads of schools, sports masters and masters in charge of individual sports aim to foster sportsmanlike and positive attitudes among their players, supporters and coaches.
Host schools will ensure that their responsibilities concerning First Aid, change rooms, refreshments etc are met.
Visiting schools are to be met courteously and shown the facilities they will use.
Schools will do their best to avoid forfeiting matches.They are aware that early notification is an important courtesy in the event of inability to field a team.
Membership of the PSA does not preclude a school from participating in sporting fixtures organised by other associations.The PSA Code of Behaviour in Sport remains, however, the benchmark for sporting behaviour and standards.
Heads of schools retain the ultimate authority for all disciplinary sanctions involving students of PSA schools.
PSA schools believe that the sporting life of a school is to be kept in balance with other facets of the school’s life.
Inter-school carnivals and regattas form an important part of the PSA competitions. Each School is responsible for the control and behaviour of its own competitors and spectators.
No noise-making instruments such as loud hailers, whistles, etc. are to be brought to or used at an inter school event.
Dress should be school uniform. There should be no fancy dress.
There should be no throwing of torn up paper or any other missiles, and especially during a “Mexican Wave”.
Cheer leaders must take control of their school supporters, and insist on positive support only for competitors, and ensure there is quiet for starts and announcements.
Offensive chants and barracking must be discouraged.
Spectators should applaud good performance, regardless of whether they are given by members of one’s own school or another school.
Students should remain in their seats for the Presentation, and then Schools will be dismissed in an orderly manner by the PSA Sports Administrator, or the Chief Announcer.
Banners should be displayed only in the areas allocated to the School.
Competitors and Officials are the only personnel permitted on the Pool Deck and Athletics Arena at any time.
Staff should be rostered for supervising duty at all PSA events.
Schools are requested to ensure that their supervising staff are prepared to accept their responsibilities for demanding acceptable spectator behaviour from their students.